Saturday, November 29, 2014

2014 Fall Season, week 5

November 1, 2014

This week's harvest:
Sweet Potatoes
"Thelma Sanders" Heirloom Acorn Squash
Kale (Lacinato for Mediums, Red Russian for Smalls)
Greens Choice: choose between Mizuna, Arugula, Red Mustard, Parsley, and Flat Leaf Kale

This week's farm news:

October sure went out with a chilly bang! During our misty and rainy Friday harvest, the cold air started to move in from the north... By the end of harvest, I could see Eric's breath in the air as the temperature dropped. Brrr! Really, though, it feels just right. Just like November. The leaves are really coming down now, littering the ground with jewels.

This week we got all of next year's garlic planted. It's not mulched yet, but we hope to get to that next week. We also got all of the remaining ginger harvested as well as the rest of the winter squash and pumpkins picked up from the field. Just in time, too. Our first freeze is right around the corner. I think we're ready for it now. Ready for the remaining weeds in the garden to have their end. Ready for a clean slate. Ready for dreaming and planning for next year's gardens and all of the bounty.

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