Sunday, August 23, 2009
2009 Season, Week Fourteen
2009 Season, Week Thirteen
This week's harvest:
Sweet peppers
Hot peppers
Green chiles &/or eggplant
Patty pan squash
Yellow beans
Okra -- free choice
This week's farm news:
This week's big item in the basket is watermelon. It's an old heirloom variety called "Strawberry"...and as you will see, very delicious! We've been saving our own seed for this variety for a number of years. If you get a really good melon, we'd like to ask you to help our seed saving efforts by selecting 10-20 seeds from it for us. Just rinse them a bit & fold them up in a paper towel. Thanks!
Our big project of the week was digging our potato crop out of the ground. We had lots of great help so the task wasn't too overwhelming. This year's yield was not as great as we had hoped, but we did get potatoes! You'll be receiving the season's first potatoes in your baskets in the coming weeks.
We had some rain early in the week so when the garden was too wet for working in, we started a new construction project. We're putting an addition onto our little cabin to better accomodate our growing family! The goal is to increase the size of our kitchen & add another bedroom. We don't anticipate having everything completed by the time the baby arrives, but we're working on it! Later in the week, once the garden soil dried up a bit, the crew was back in the garden cultivating all the young fall crops to keep them happy & growing. Next week we've got a bunch more fall transplants to set out into the garden!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
2009 Season, Week Twelve

This week's harvest:
"Halona" muskmelons
"Red sails" lettuce
Sweet corn
"Patty Pan" summer squash
Sweet red peppers
Hot peppers
Yellow beans
This week's farm news:
We had a few more rains this week, but nothing too severe or intense, thank goodness! Just nice gentle rains which were absolutely perfect for germinating carrots! Otherwise the weather this week felt much more like summer -- fairly hot & sunny. The garden is really ripening & bountiful now. It's been a good challenge keeping everything picked. The muskmelons really ripened this week and we've harvested lots of them! They are incredibly delicious so we hope you enjoy this special summertime treat! Looks like next week we'll have a load of watermelons!
We did a bit more fall garden work this week. Eric direct seeded 2 types of daikon radish, arugula, mizuna, & red mustard (which are remarkably all up & growing already). The interns started some beets in soil blocks for later transplanting into the garden. All of the transplants that were set just over a week ago are settled into the garden & looking good. The fall peas are poking their little heads out of the soil. And so it goes... The seasonal shift of crops is happening. Even though there's a lot of summer produce yet to come, we are transitioning the garden back to cool-season crops. It seems amazing that fall is just around the corner!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
2009 Season, Week Eleven
August 1, 2009
This week's harvest:
Sweet corn
"Patty Pan" summer squash
Tomatoes & cherry tomatoes
Yellow beans
Hot peppers
Onions & garlic
Muskmelons -- We have to harvest these as they ripen so if you don't get one this week, you will next week
This week's farm news:
Happy August! Well folks, even though our main crop of tomatoes are still craving some good sunshine, lots of other summer crops are finally starting to come in. This week's basket is really starting to have the diversity of summer goodies we've all been waiting for! Yeah!
We've got a great jump on this year's fall garden. We had a big push to get a bunch of transplants set before (yet another!) rain. We set over 1000 various baby plants -- brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, & kohlrabi. Eric direct-seeded another bed of carrots so now we've got nearly 2000 row feet of them in the ground! That's potentially 24,000 carrots! He also seeded some fall shelling peas. Once it rained & we had to stop garden work, our intern Laura taught the two new interns, Jessie & Jaykub, & our short-term volunteer, Andrea, all about starting seeds in soil blocks. They started lots more fall crops -- bok choi, Chinese cabbage, lettuce, and Tuscan kale. On Wednesday we had the big project for the entire crew of digging potatoes. Even Ira & Opal were in on the action, searching around in the soil for all of those buried starchy treasures! What fun!